"Discover your purpose and direction with the lessons of life."

Tag meditation

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4

Jnana Yoga (The Yoga of Knowledge): Lord Krishna reveals the eternal nature of His existence and the cycle of birth and rebirth (Samsara). He discloses the divine knowledge passed down through generations, highlighting the importance of devotion and surrender to attain spiritual liberation.

How to Meditate in Just 5 Minutes a Day

Meditation is a practice that has been used by many cultures for centuries. It is a way to focus your mind and quiet your thoughts so that you can think more clearly. There are many different types of meditation, and you can try any of them that feels comfortable to you. You can meditate by focusing your attention on your breath, on a mantra, on a picture, or on your thoughts. Whatever method you choose, be sure to practice regularly so that you can develop good habits for thinking clearly and for calmness.

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