Game On: How Video Games Can Teach Us About Career and Life Choices

I’ll admit, I’ve never been the biggest fan of video games. Sure, I dabbled in them during my childhood—joystick battles with my sibling, the occasional high-score chase—but I was more of an outdoor sports kid. 🏏 Back then, I thought video games were a waste of time, bad for your posture, and a sure way to mess up your eyesight. 👓 Besides, running around outdoors had a charm of its own. 🌳

But, as life often does, it recently handed me a fresh perspective. 🌀 I found myself playing a video game—not for fun, but to earn some bonus dollars on my shopping app.

It was a simple game where I moved a basket 🧺 to collect points while avoiding cross marks ❌ that would end the game. The goal? Gather enough points to unlock those bonus dollars. 💰 Easy, right? Not quite. 😅

It quickly became a mental dance:

– Should I grab whatever points come my way, or wait for the bigger ones? 🤔

– Should I risk it and swerve near those cross marks if it means catching the high-value ticket right behind? 🎯

– All of this had to be done swiftly and mindfully, balancing between speed and caution. 🧘♂️

And then it struck me—this game was just like life. 🧬

🎯 Life is a Game, After All

In life, just like in the game, you face a constant stream of opportunities, big and small. 🌟 Some people grab at every chance they get, even if it means navigating around obstacles, while others hold out for a better shot—sometimes missing out altogether when a cross (read: challenge) comes crashing down on them.

It’s like a job search. 💼 You can chase every opportunity that comes your way, or wait for that ideal role. But wait too long, and you might just get knocked out by unforeseen setbacks. 🚫

🧘♂️ Mindfulness: The Secret Weapon 🌿

What’s the key to winning, then? Mindfulness. The ability to stay calm, take a deep breath, and make the right decision in the heat of the moment. 🌬️✨ Being mindful helps us find clarity amidst chaos. It allows us to assess our options—whether to grab a quick win or hold out for a bigger reward—and keep our eyes open to the pitfalls along the way. 👀

The stability that a calm mind can offer is especially important in those panic-filled moments, where we find ourselves clutching an empty basket, wondering if we should just snatch whatever comes our way. Or should we wait, carefully assessing our moves for a bigger opportunity? 🎰

🔍 Finding Clarity in Chaos 🌪️

 In the game, as in life, some people end up with a basket full of rewards, while others end up chasing after elusive points. 💫

 And maybe that’s the real power of mindfulness—learning to navigate life’s challenges with the same focus and clarity as we do in a game. 🎮 It’s knowing when to move swiftly, when to hold back, and how to keep your cool when those pesky cross marks come flying down. ❌💨