"Discover your purpose and direction with the lessons of life."

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🎮 The Game of Life 🧠✨

“Life, like a video game, throws opportunities and obstacles at us—sometimes all at once. As I moved a basket to collect points while dodging cross marks in a game, I realized how much it mirrored real-world decisions, especially in job searching. It’s all about knowing when to seize the moment, when to hold out for something better, and how to stay grounded amidst the chaos. And in both games and life, mindfulness becomes the key to success.”

Restarting Windows 10: A Journey Through Life 🌟

Sometimes, life moves at a breakneck pace, and in my case, it seems my laptop couldn’t keep up either. Amidst the chaos of open windows and scattered thoughts, it decided to take an unscheduled break. One moment, I was multitasking… Continue Reading →

Lessons of life from The Lion King🦁✨

The Lion King is more than just a film; it’s a lesson in life, creativity, and spirituality. It teaches us to appreciate the beauty of life’s journey, the importance of collaboration, and the power of faith and belief. Its timeless appeal lies in its ability to connect with viewers on multiple levels, making it a masterpiece that continues to inspire and entertain. Let’s embrace the lessons of The Lion King in our creative pursuits and personal lives. After all, as the film reminds us, we are all part of the great Circle of Life. 🌟🦁✨

How Immigration Can Lead to Profound Loneliness and Homesickness

Immigration is a journey of the heart and soul. It’s about navigating the loneliness that creeps in, battling homesickness, and finding your place in a new world. It’s okay to feel lost and to reach out for support. Connect with others, build your new community, and remember that you are not alone in this journey.

Silence the Noise: Finding Peace in a Chaotic World

The journey to a quieter mind is a gradual process. Be kind to yourself and take it one step at a time. Your mental well-being is worth the effort.

Emotional Challenges of Indian Immigration to Canada: A Personal Journey

Everything was perfectly planned. My Canadian dream – a shining reality. But then, a storm of emotions hit, leaving me sleepless and questioning everything.

“Unlock the Power of Reading: Transform Your Life with These Amazing Benefits”

reading is not just a hobby; it’s a gateway to a world of self-discovery and mental enrichment. By incorporating reading into your daily routine and exploring the recommended products, you can embark on a transformative journey toward a more mindful and fulfilled life.

From Baggage Limits to Life Lessons

So, there I am, surrounded by overflowing suitcases, trying to cram my entire life into the measly 23 kg allowance the airline so graciously bestowed upon me. It’s a humbling experience, to say the least. Here I am, packing up all my earthly possessions, and a rather profound thought strikes: we spend our whole lives accumulating stuff, only to leave it all behind one day.

Those things we pile up, those material possessions we chase after – are they truly what define happiness?

We all know death is inevitable, yet we cling to the illusion that more things equal more joy. But true abundance, I believe, resides in our mindset, not our overflowing closets. Here’s the thing: three years ago, I had zero plans to uproot myself and move continents [immigration tips]. This unexpected immigration journey has become a powerful teacher, revealing surprising parallels between life itself and the process of moving to a new country [moving to a new country].

Stressed Artists, Stifled Creativity: How to Keep Your Creative Team Thriving ✨

While creativity is a beautiful thing and the seed of human existence. To create is basic human nature. What disturbs me is the fact that it is usually the ones occupied with creative pursuits who are more anxious than the other world which is happily earning their hourly wages and enjoying sound sleep.

Being a creative professional myself, I do indulge in my fair share of overthinking which I do not advocate.

In one such bouts of over thinking it dawned upon me that we as creatives of the world are compromising on our mental health.

How is Journaling a Form of Meditation? ✍️

Journaling has been a hit-and-miss habit for me. Finding the time can be tough, but recently, during a journaling session, it dawned on me: journaling can be a form of meditation! Both practices require a sense of present-moment awareness and allow thoughts to flow freely. This can lead to a state of calmness and improved focus, ultimately helping us silence the inner chatter and achieve that elusive peace. Isn’t that what meditation strives for too? Let’s explore the surprising connection between these practices. #journaling #meditation

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18

In the final chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna imparts profound wisdom on the paths of renunciation and selfless action. He advises Arjuna to perform his duties with devotion and surrender to the Divine. Krishna emphasizes the significance of detaching from the fruits of actions, understanding that selfless service leads to spiritual liberation. This chapter serves as a powerful conclusion, guiding individuals towards the path of righteousness, inner peace, and ultimate union with the eternal truth.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17

Chapter 17 delves into the threefold division of faith, revealing how it shapes human behavior and actions. Lord Krishna emphasizes that our nature and belief systems influence our offerings, penance, and dietary choices. He explains that faith grounded in purity, selflessness, and goodness leads to positive outcomes, while faith tainted by ignorance or selfish desires may yield adverse consequences. This chapter encourages self-awareness and introspection, inspiring individuals to align their actions with their highest values and beliefs.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16

“Embracing the Divine Within: The Virtues and Vices Explored in the Bhagavad Gita” In Chapter 16 of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna elucidates the stark contrast between the divine and the demoniac natures. He describes the virtues that lead to… Continue Reading →

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15

In Chapter 15, Lord Krishna uses the metaphor of a cosmic banyan tree to illustrate the nature of existence. The tree symbolizes the material world, with its roots representing the foundation of material existence and its branches signifying various realms of creation. Krishna encourages seekers to connect with the eternal root, the Supreme, in order to attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death, and merge with the transcendental reality.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14

Chapter 14 of the Bhagavad Gita explores the three modes of material nature—goodness, passion, and ignorance—that influence human behavior. Lord Krishna explains how these modes shape individual tendencies and actions. Understanding these qualities allows one to transcend their influence and cultivate a higher consciousness, ultimately leading to spiritual progress and self-realization. 

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13

In Chapter 13, Lord Krishna elucidates the distinction between the perishable body and the imperishable soul. He emphasizes the eternal nature of the soul, which transcends physical existence. Krishna highlights the importance of discerning between the two and understanding the true essence of the self, leading to self-realization and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12

Krishna describes the qualities of devotees who are dear to Him—those who are selfless, humble, and focused on the eternal.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11

In Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna is granted a divine vision by Lord Krishna. Overwhelmed, Arjuna witnesses Krishna’s majestic universal form, encompassing countless cosmic manifestations. The sight fills him with awe and reverence, leading him to acknowledge Krishna’s supreme power and seek guidance in his path.

How to prepare for an interview?

The other side of the desk – A lot has been said, spoken, and written about the various techniques of preparing for an interview. However, most of this material has been developed keeping the interviewee’s point of view in mind…. Continue Reading →

What are the 3 Lessons of Life?

The three valuable lessons of life are worth keeping in mind as we navigate our journey. Firstly, hardships are blessings in disguise. Every difficult moment we encounter, however painful, allows us to learn and grow as individuals. Secondly, real motivation comes from our innate passion. If we stay true to our hearts and pursue our interests, we are more likely to succeed and be happy. Lastly, expectations ruin relationships. Too often, we hold unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others, which only leads to disappointment and heartache. It’s important to let go of expectations and focus on building genuine relationships with people.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7

This chapter begins with Shree Krishna describing the material and spiritual dimensions of God’s energies. Paramahamsa Vijnana Yoga (The Yoga of Knowledge and Wisdom): Lord Krishna reveals His divine manifestations and proclaims that everything in the universe emanates from His supreme consciousness. He emphasizes the importance of unwavering devotion and knowledge of His true nature.

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