Lessons of Life with Vije Bhatia

"Discover your purpose and direction with the lessons of life."

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It is easy to note that the levels of stress, anxiety, pressure, relationship issues, financial burdens, competition woes, etc are on the rise. It is this trend that has set an alarm and we have realized the importance of “Quality… Continue Reading →

What is a life coach?

Life does not come with a manual and we get confused with anything that does not come with user instructions. Life is so simple that we take it for granted. And the exact same thing happens when you take anything… Continue Reading →

“SEO: Balancing the Pros and Cons in Life and Language”

What does SEO mean? Like always, I’d like to start with something personal. In this case, let me offer my interpretation of SEO. Since my niche is LIFE, I’d like to look at SEO from a completely different perspective. Essentially SEO… Continue Reading →


Actually, what most people ask is – What is the saddest truth about life? Let me try to address the issue to the best of my capability. Let me begin by clarifying right at the onset that, there’s really no… Continue Reading →

Quotations for all occasions

Now that we have made an attempt at understanding the evolution of quotes and the benefits that quotations can have in our daily life. Let us begin this exciting journey, where I will try to create a collection of inspiring… Continue Reading →

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5

Karma Vairagya Yoga (The Yoga of Renunciation of Action): Lord Krishna expounds on the difference between selfless actions and renunciation. He emphasizes that true renunciation is not abandoning actions but renouncing attachment to the results.

How are they helpful to alleviate your mood?

Mood swings are a natural part of life, and it is not uncommon to experience periods of depression or anxiety. Everyone has their own ways of coping with these moods, but there are some activities that can be especially helpful… Continue Reading →

What is the history of quotes?

It is our tendency to take things for granted. It is not surprising then, that we have often overlooked the existence of QUOTES. We don’t realize how these pearls of wisdom enrich our vocabulary and often serve as an easy means… Continue Reading →

What are the benefits of quotes?

Everyone has those days when nothing seems to be going right. And, I’m sure that you’ll agree with me, that such days are very common lately. Whether it’s your life or wife, traffic or boss, finances or health, or maybe… Continue Reading →

What are “Quotes”?

The quote is like an injection, a vaccine, a booster dose. Quotes have the power to uplift your mood instantly. A quote is a short saying or phrase that expresses an idea, opinion, or wisdom from a famous person. Quotes… Continue Reading →

What is happiness?

If your life was a movie, what would be the title? In pursuit of Happyness – that is a very good suggestion, isn’t it? Well, are we not always looking for happiness? We don’t realize it, but we are actually… Continue Reading →

lol – FAQ

What is the relation between the Mind and Time? You have a mind and the mind passes through time. It’d be helpful if we observe it! You have different moods in the morning, different moods in the afternoon, and different… Continue Reading →

lol – FAQ

WHAT IS THE VALUE OF CHANTING? Your whole body is made up of atoms. Being with this truth kindles the energy in you and brings up consciousness. When you sing bhajans, the Sound Energy Vibration Gets Absorbed Into Every Particle… Continue Reading →

What is the Point of Life?

What’s your point of view towards life The simplest definition of life is that it is a journey between birth and death. The moment we are born we know that this journey of life is going to end at a… Continue Reading →

What is the ultimate goal of Spirituality?

How do we perceive Spirituality? Anger, frustration, dejection, rejection, irritation, failure, confusion. At least one of these emotions is a regular one with you, right? We have come to a point where stress is normal. At such a time when… Continue Reading →

Why do I Feel so Suffocated?

Why do I feel suffocated? How can I be free? Your mind is the reason for your bondage, and your mind alone is the reason for liberation. If your mind is happy, doing anything gives you happiness. But if your… Continue Reading →

What does FAQ stand for?

FAQs of Life FAQs as we all know are “Frequently Asked Questions”. They are a great way to provide customers with the information they need quickly. We get a set of FAQs with every product or service we opt for…. Continue Reading →

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4

Jnana Yoga (The Yoga of Knowledge): Lord Krishna reveals the eternal nature of His existence and the cycle of birth and rebirth (Samsara). He discloses the divine knowledge passed down through generations, highlighting the importance of devotion and surrender to attain spiritual liberation.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3

The chapter describes the path of karma yoga, which is the discipline of selfless action. The chapter explains that one should perform their duties without attachment to the outcome, and instead focus on the action itself as an offering to God. “Karma-yoga” teaches to do actions selflessly, without attachment to the outcome, as an offering to god.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2

Sankhya Yoga (Transcendental Knowledge): Lord Krishna imparts profound wisdom to Arjuna, emphasizing the eternal nature of the soul and the impermanence of the physical body. He advises Arjuna to fulfill his duty as a warrior without attachment to the outcome, promoting the concept of selfless action.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1

Arjuna Vishada Yoga (The Yoga of Arjuna’s Dejection): The epic begins with the warrior Arjuna overwhelmed by doubt and despair on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. He is torn between his duty as a warrior and the moral dilemma of fighting his own relatives and teachers. Seeking guidance, Arjuna turns to Lord Krishna, his charioteer, for counsel.

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